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Friday, December 24, 2010

[ORACLE] How to import dump file to different table space

1.With your .DMP file, create a SQL file containing the structure (Tables):
imp evolvrepo/password@ORCL file=evolvrepo.dmp indexfile=index.sql full=y

2.Open the indexfile (index.sql) in a text editor that can do find and replace over an entire file, and issue the following find and replace statements IN ORDER (ignore the single quotes.. '):

a.Find: 'REM' Replace:

b.Find: '""' Replace: '"#tablespace#"'

c.Find: '...' Replace: 'REM ...'

d.Find: 'CONNECT' Replace: 'REM CONNECT'

3.Save the indexfile, then run it at command prompt
echo exit|sqlplus evolvrepo/password@ORCL @index.sql

4.Finally run the same .DMP file you created the indexfile with against the same account to import the data, stored procedures, views etc:
imp evolvrepo/password@ORCL full=y file=evolvrepo.dmp buffer=326000 log=evolvrepo.log

Note: Replace #tablespace# with table space name and #TEMP1# with temporary tablespace name.

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